= I am frugal,not Cheap! Spend Smarter but..Live Modestly

A cynic knows the Cost of Everything but..

A cynic knows the Cost of Everything but..
the VALUE of Nothing!
Showing posts with label vendors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vendors. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Went to Apple Fest in Cairo,NY..

It was nothing to write home about and many of the items were way overpriced so didn't buy any aple pies for $ 10. or the sausage and peppers sandwiches for $ 7.! Nuts..To top it off,later ifn the day they were asking $ 2. to get in..I bought some books to support the library at a great price. They were $ 1 a book and the large books for a coffee table were $ 3. i bought a pair of opalite earrings from a vendor and some apple cidar donuts for $ 1. and ate som chili for $3 with a piece of tastey corn bread to stay warm. Later I went back and tried some dry pulled pork on an unappeizing hot dog oll for $2. Thy had live entertainment such as a 50's band named 'Dusk ot Dawn'. Gus is why they were asking money to get in to cover the cost of the band. I can hear it fromm my home as i live right near the park so i didn't pay anything. It was cold out so didn't stay long.Today i will have my yeard sale to hopefully get rid of some stuff to lighten my load to move and make some moving money.


sample of Aveda

My new beer bottle cap jewelry

My new beer bottle cap jewelry
by Artzstuf

Reused Clothing..





YARD sale..weekend

YARD sale..weekend
more info on Craigslist



Skiing... on the Moon!

Skiing... on the Moon!
WednesdaYS, LADIES' dAY, HUNTER mountain $53.