= I am frugal,not Cheap! Spend Smarter but..Live Modestly

A cynic knows the Cost of Everything but..

A cynic knows the Cost of Everything but..
the VALUE of Nothing!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

HEAP is on..

so save money on lowering your heat costs with this subsidy program. Taking applications now.

Save money by insulating FREE

through Empower NY if you qualify. Need to be poor like me. Read more here.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Save $$$ by using space heaters...

It is argued by some that they lose you money but I feel theat they don't as direct heat to where you are instead of the whole house where you aren't. Read more

Friday, November 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

yard Sale..

first one of this year starting the warm seasons../click linkyard sale for day,time.  see you there. cairo,ny 552 main st cottage 1,may 18th,saturday. yard sale link here.

GOOD Deal..

I often eat at buffet near my home on Thursdays as is all you can consume for $5! is at Village pizza min Cairo,NY,greene county,usa. Anyways, has egg plant,chicken parm,sausage,peppers,onions,all different kinds of pizza,baked ziti,yum.

may go to Mcdonald's today for super value meal,double cheese burger,small fries,if ever stops raining here,ugh. need it but really now. I s getting old,fast when goes on for days,mm.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do Homework before Moving is all I can Say..

I have learned this the hard way as i have rented recently with no lease but a month to month arrangement with little protecti0on under the law and now find myself facing homelessness. I have had to spend or rather borrow $ 520. from my sick mom to boot to cover the costs of moving twice,renting trucks,paying people to help me move,rent a storage site,install phone,cable,pay for gas for trucks,etc.

From now I won't move in unless they take more than one pet and I have a lease. Unfortunately it is hard to be choosy when you are desperate,poor due to disability like me and encounter nothing but slumlords and bad housing as decent,safe housing is a dream when you are poor! What do you think? Avoid Greenville's June Wiltsie who manages a property on Wilt Wyck Lane,is all I have to say as she is a horror!


sample of Aveda

My new beer bottle cap jewelry

My new beer bottle cap jewelry
by Artzstuf

Reused Clothing..





YARD sale..weekend

YARD sale..weekend
more info on Craigslist



Skiing... on the Moon!

Skiing... on the Moon!
WednesdaYS, LADIES' dAY, HUNTER mountain $53.